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Baby swimming

Swimming courses at the Therme Euskirchen

With the baby swimming courses at Therme Euskirchen, you not only start the new day full of fun, but also experience valuable and unforgettable moments with your child.

It's exciting and thrilling for your baby to discover new movements and motor skills that they wouldn't be able to learn so quickly in dry water. You'll be right there with your little one, using skillful holding techniques and grips to give them the greatest possible freedom of movement and ease in the water. This creates a very intensive relationship, because it's all about mutual trust - even the very youngest children can sense this.

Enjoy bathing time together with your child in the paradise of Therme Euskirchen.

Babyschwimmen | Therme Euskirchen

We are delighted that, in cooperation and collaboration with the Wellenbrecher swimming school, we are now also offering baby swimming lessons under palm trees.

Simone Schridde has turned her passion into a profession by founding the swimming school: "My vision: swimming lessons with heart and mind. Because I can't imagine anything better than passing on my enthusiasm for swimming to babies, children and adults."

Book your baby swimming course directly via the Wellenbrecher swimming school website.

You can conveniently pay for admission to our thermal spa on site.

It is also possible for last-minute guests to book their swimming course online on site using their cell phone.

Book a swimming course

You can start with baby swimming when your child is three months old.

We want your children to get used to the water and have fun. Our courses are designed more as a kind of water familiarization for babies and their parents. In addition, our instructors will demonstrate handholds that parents can use to hold and guide their little ones safely in the water.

In the water, babies perceive their bodies very consciously and intensively. The weightlessness of the water motivates the little ones to make movements that are hardly possible on land. Numerous studies confirm how good the warm water is for babies. Babies who regularly go swimming can coordinate their bodies much better and stabilize their balance much better. This effect lasts for years after the first attempts at splashing around.

Lots of fun. Warm water, ideally between 32 and 34 degrees. A great atmosphere in an exclusive ambience with short distances between changing rooms and pool as well as generous changing and retreat facilities. Qualified and experienced coaches with the ability to improvise round off a top course.

You and your baby enjoy warm, close skin-to-skin contact, usually at eye level. It's like a cuddle session. Speaking of skin: a visit to the swimming pool once a week does not harm baby's skin at all. Dry your baby thoroughly after swimming and apply a moisturizing, not too greasy baby lotion. Diving your little one - only under expert supervision - is also nothing to be afraid of.

There are five main reasons for this.

  • The unbeatable ambience and the impressive atmosphere that the bathing worlds of the thermal spa offer course participants.
  • The professional expertise and many years of experience of the Wellenbrecher team.
  • The intersection of the two points mentioned above, which creates a wonderful, relaxed yet sociable atmosphere.
  • The unique flexibility: our course at the thermal spa is not actually a course at all, but a one-to-one course that can be booked at short notice and is also open: anyone can join between 9 and 11 a.m., just as it suits baby's sleep schedule or mom and dad's working hours.
  • We are closed to the public until 10:00 a.m.

We are always on site on Tuesdays from 9 to 11 a.m., except during vacation periods.